Carbon Literacy Project; Training for the Food Sector

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Carbon Literacy – Sustainable Food
Training Course  Parts 1 & 2 Online (via Zoom)

From £99 + VAT  + Carbon Literate certification
Scroll down for more info and ask how to BOOK via contact form below 

What is the Carbon Literacy Project?

Carbon Literacy is the term used to describe an awareness of climate change and how our everyday actions impact on the world’s climate. This short course leads participants to understand what changes you can all take responsibility for implementing in order to reduce those impacts.

Carbon Literacy for the Food Sector - Food Processing and Manufacturing
Carbon Literacy for the Food Sector - Hospitality and Contract Catering
What level of prior knowledge is needed?


To become Carbon Literate, you just need a desire to play a part in moving yourself or your organisation to a lower or zero carbon future. This is not a technical course – we look at the science behind climate change in everyday layman’s terms.

The key to this learning is that everyone can make a difference. The aim is to motivate you to reduce your carbon impacts by improving your awareness and pledging an individual and a group action.

What Does the Course Cover?

To become Carbon Literate, participants will gain an understanding of how climate change will affect their geographical area and their sector. Through active participation, you will acquire knowledge and skills to lower your carbon footprint.

Carbon Literacy training is not formulaic, but designed to be suited to the learner’s own sector. However, each course is stringently criteria checked by professionals at The Carbon Literacy Project to ensure the content maintains their standard for becoming ‘Carbon Literate’.

Content includes around 8 hours of learning plus submission of individual and work/ community based pledges. 

Who is the Course for?

This course has been specifically designed for organisations in the post farm food system. This training is for you if you world revolves around;

  • Food processing or manufacturing
  • Food distribution
  • Hospitality, leisure and food service,
  • Contract catering
  • Food packaging
  • Community based food projects and volunteering.

Please get in touch if your role is in farming or any other industry, as we can design a course or direct you to one which is relevant to your needs.

Becoming ‘Carbon Literate’

On completing the course, individuals within an organisation will receive a certificate proving they have become Carbon Literate. Organisations can also become Carbon Literate. More information on that here

Join the 15,000 people who have already become Carbon Literate. Together, we have an opportunity to keep climate change in check.

“Thinking about running a Carbon Literacy course? Do it! You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, and [it’s] a really excellent course, a really, really great day. It’s informative, it’s fun, it’s a little scary at times – I mean this is a big problem we’re facing – but you go away feeling really empowered, ready to do something about it.”

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Celebrity Chef and Environmental Campaigner

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