Coral Mountain is celebrating its first anniversary in October with the launch of our new website.

Look out for updates and lots of information about running an environmentally conscious business, as well as our news. It’s all going to be in this section of the website.

Very soon, there will be lots of articles for your reference. But in the meantime, you can catch up on some of the posts and articles about sustainable business on Linkedin here.

It’s been a year full of positives as well as challenges. There’s been some excellent feedback about changes people have made as the result of discussions and workshops. Medium and small size businesses are beginning to acknowledge the need for a Sustainability Programme and see the commercial benefit of making the necessary changes.

If your business isn’t one of those yet, and you are not sure how to structure your environmental planning, don’t fret – give us a call at Coral Mountain or drop us a message and we’ll arrange a friendly chat.

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